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If you are a returning student or have previously registered, skip this form and continue onto Step 2 : Program Registration

New Student - Family Account Registration

If it's you or your child's first time here at Winged Canvas, or you need to update your file information, please fill out this form. After registration, you will be directed to the program specific registration link.

Do you give social media consent for Winged Canvas to post pictures of students and their artwork?*

Terms of Agreement

I acknowledge that footage from our virtual classrooms may be recorded. Video footage is securely stored and only shared with Winged Canvas staff and registered students in the class. We respect your privacy and never sell your information with third parties.

I acknowledge that Winged Canvas is permitted to use media and artwork from the class for promotional purposes. I always have the choice to turn off my camera off and opt out of social media consent.
For more information, please see our Terms of Service Agreement.

I have reviewed and agree to the Terms of Service above.*

If you have any questions, please email us at or contact us at 905-205-1231 for assistance.